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Quality management in the free access to law publishing model: a canadian perspective

Wednesday 3 November 2004, by Ivan Mokanov, Véronique Abad

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

- Ms. Véronique Abad, Associate Editor, CanLII, LexUM, Public Law Research Centre, University of Montreal
- Mr. Ivan Mokanov, Head Editor of CanLII, LexUM, CRDP, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

First of all, the juridical context which provides a framework for e-documents management in Canada, and more specifically in Quebec, will be outlined. Within this context, document integrity, authenticity, probative value, and life cycle of a document are essential. Subsequently, these concepts have practical implications at all levels of editorial work at CanLII, including, for example, at the archival level. Although archiving documents is not the main task of an editor of legal content, archival has become a necessity and a fundamental condition to guranteeing the quality of documents being disseminated. To that end, CanLII’s practices will be explained to elaborate on the practical applicabilty of concepts of law regarding the juridical context of information technologies.

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